Application information

Please ensure that you read the guidance below before applying for a course.


  • To provide language modules at different levels ranging from beginner to advanced;
  • To equip students with the foundations of the communicative skills which they will require when studying or working abroad;
  • To help students develop language learning strategies which will enable them to extend and develop their linguistic competences;
  • To encourage students to develop ICT skills;
  • To help students become independent language learners;
  • To provide insight into the cultures of other people's countries.

Course dates

  • Semester one: 23rd September 2024 - 13th December 2024
  • Semester two: 27th January 2025 -10th May 2025


The above are teaching weeks (please see the course unit descriptor for specific teaching weeks, some courses are 11 weeks per semester and some are 12 weeks per semester). For a breakdown of term dates, please see Course Dates.


Classes are held in buildings across campus. The location of each class will be shown on the class timetable page and will appear on student's personal timetables.

Class sizes

Class sizes have an upper limit of 21.

Will there be a mix of students on the course?

Classes can be made up of students (credited, non-credited, undergraduate, postgraduate), members of staff at the University and members of the public from the local community and around the North-West. LEAP runs both daytime and evening classes.

Credit rating

For students with ‘free choice’ credits: the majority of our courses have a 20 credit rating and run for the entire year (both semesters), with the exception of BSL and Introductory courses which have a 10 credit rating and are offered only one semester.

What's my level?

Some people will already have previous language certifications that we can judge your current level on. If not, the course description gives a good indication of the expected level, or you may want to have a look at the suggested course book (‘set text’ in the course description) to see if you have already covered the topics in previous language learning.

If you are still unsure, The Common European Framework for Languages can give some guidance on what level you are currently at.

Registration dates

Enrolments for year-long and Semester 2 only courses for 2024/25 will start from 12:00pm, Wednesday, 3 July 2024 and work on a first come first served basis. Registration will occur until Friday 20th September for students and Wednesday 4 September 2024 for staff, members of the public and alumni.

Please sign up for all LEAP classes by completing and submitting the online application form, which can be found here.

See course dates for term dates.

My course has more than one group - can I choose which one to attend?

Yes, you can choose, provided there are still spaces available at the time of application. For University students taking these courses for credit, this will be subject to timetabling constraints.


Due to the nature of language learning, good attendance is expected on these courses. Most students find that they fall behind if they do not attend regularly.

For credited students, attendance is compulsory. Please see the Student Charter which sets out what we can expect from each other as partners in a learning community.

Students should consult their Home School for specific information on the consequences of poor attendance. If you do not attend a formal assessment (such as a class test or assessed presentation) due to reasons beyond your control, we would advise that you complete a mitigating circumstances form (see relevant section below).

Assessment and feedback

Students will have formative assessments throughout the course, usually during class time. Summative assessments will take place during the assessment dates. Each course description has a breakdown of assessment requirements.

If you are taking the course for credits, all assessment is compulsory.

If you are a non-credited student, a member of staff or a member of the public, assessment is not compulsory. However, we strongly recommend that you do undertake the assessments, as they will help in monitoring your progress on the course and they are necessary for progression to the higher level. You will also be eligible for a course certificate at the end if you achieve a 40% pass mark.

You will receive feedback on your performance in your chosen language informally, following class activities, and formally following assessed tasks.

For all assessment and exam inquiries related to your LEAP course, please contact

Assignments and homework

Due to the fact that language learning is skill-based you will be asked to do more work at home than is normal on lecture courses.

This work may take several hours a week, and it is essential that it is done regularly. You will not be able to learn everything a week before an examination and regular independent learning must take place if you are to progress with your language studies.

Credited students should remember also that 20 credits are equivalent to 200 learning hours. As you have only 75 contact hours during the academic year, the other hours must be made up in your own time.

Facilities for language learning within the Open Language Centre

As part of your independent learning programme, you can use the facilities of the Language Centre, located in the basement of the North Wing of the Samuel Alexander building (adjacent to the Lime Cafe area), where we provide our students with a wide selection of teaching and learning resources, including:

· a lending library of multi-format materials in 82 languages;

· multimedia PCs for computer-aided language learning, video conferencing, multilingual word processing and DVD viewing;

· film viewing facilities for groups;

· work and study space for individuals and groups;

· a stock of camera equipment, digital recorders and headsets;

· a conversation room for voice recordings and pair work;

· a cross-format transfer service.

Support for students with disabilities

The Disability Advisory and Support Service (DASS) provides support for current and prospective students who may need additional support.  Please register with the Service to see what support they can provide.


Please direct any complaints regarding administrative matters such as delays in registration, timetabling and access to the courses to Other academic-related complaints should be directed to the Director of LEAP Dr Orieb Masadeh-Tate, copying in the LEAP Team on and we will respond as quickly as possible.

If you are still not satisfied after discussion with the Director you may proceed with formal complaint procedures.

If you would like to request further information about our courses or services, please email us at