UK Student Loan and University-wide funding
Taught master's students can apply for bursaries, loans, awards and scholarships to help fund their studies.
Postgraduate Loan Scheme
Postgraduate master's loans are available to eligible applicants.
To give you an indication of when you can apply, last year the application process opened in early June for applicants beginning postgraduate study that September. This postgraduate student loan, potentially up to £11,570, is:
- a contribution towards the cost of study to be used towards tuition fees, maintenance costs or other costs;
- non-means tested;
- paid directly into a student's UK bank account.
Further information can be found by downloading the Government Response to the Consultation on Support for Postgraduate Study.
Find out more
Manchester Master's Bursary
Last year, the University offered 75 bursaries worth £4,000 in funding for students from underrepresented groups.
Applicants need to meet a number of criteria to be eligible. Last year, there were more eligible applications than places, so meeting the criteria is no guarantee of an award.
For more information and how to apply/discover if you are eligible, please visit the Manchester Master's Bursary page on the main University website.
The Manchester Alumni Loyalty Discount
Graduates of the University of Manchester who become a postgraduate student here can receive a 10% discount on their tuition fees. All the information can be found in the following link:
Manchester Alumni Loyalty Discount | Master’s | The University of Manchester
School and subject area funding
The School offers awards each year with a deadline in March for the following September. Subject areas may also provide awards with deadlines later in the year.
Candidates who apply for the School competition will automatically be entered for a Subject specific bursary, where available.
There is no separate funding application form for School and subject specific bursaries.
The online application form to the course includes a personal statement section where you can include your 500 word case for funding support. We offer some guidance below in how to write an effective statement for funding.
To be cosidered for School and subject area funding, you must send an email to, which must include your University ID number.
If you have already submitted your application for a place and/or wish to update your application with any documentation required for funding, you can attach these to the email and we will add them to your application for you.
School awards
For 2023/24, the School awarded a limited number of bursaries covering the UK tuition fees level. The competition deadline is 5pm, 30 March. You must apply for the Master's course, completing a 'Funding case for support' in the Personal Statement section and attaching tanscripts at the end of the form.
You should request two references via a separate reference upload link. A cover email to with your ID number and full name is required to officially submit your application for funding.
If you have already submitted an application or you are a University of Manchester Fasttrack applicant, you can attach the required materials for a funding application via the confirmation email.
How to Apply
Applying for funding is done via the application for the course and confirmed via an email you should sned to us once you receive receipt of your submited application. You must submit an application for a place on the course via the Online Application Form complete with:
- A 500 word case for funding support (this can be your personal statement in the online application form / a statement uploaded at the end of the form / attached to the cover email).
- Transcripts of most recent study (interim if studies are incomplete).
- Two refererences submitted on your behalf via the reference upload link or uploaded to the online application form (please do not duplicate).
- Confirmation email with ID number and full name to
In the online application form, there is a personal statement section. You can use this to submit the maximum 500 word statement.
If you are requesting references, you should ask for these well in advance of the deadline to allow your referees plenty of time to write them.
Do I submit the Personal Statement in the application form or a separate Case for Funding Support?
We simply require a 500 word statement to use in assessing a case for funding support. This can be either the personal statement in the application form or a separate document (or a portfolio if your course requires one).
We have provided guidance below on what we believe constitutes a strong case for funding support.
A personal statement may be sufficient for us to offer you a place on the course, but it might not meet the requirements of a funding application. However, if you are happy with the personal statement in the online application form and do not submit anything either at the end of the online application form or with your cover email, we will use the personal statement in the form as your funding case for support.
Once you have submitted your application, you will be assigned a University ID number. Please email with your ID number and we will confirm receipt of your application for funding.
University of Manchester Fasttrack students
Please attach a 500 word funding case for support (guidance below) in a Word document to the email addressed to with your University ID number by 30th March. We will supply your transcripts, but you must contact your referees with the link to the online referee report form.
Case for Funding Support - Guidance
Within your statement, your primary aim is to provide convincing reasons why you want to do the course and how you are an excellent candidate. Precise details will depend upon which Master’s you choose to apply for, the expectations you have of the programme, and how you think it will shape your future career.
Some Master’s programmes include specific requirements for admission relevant to the programme of study – please check the admissions criteria for your programme and ensure you refer to them in your case for support.
Your interests and expectations
Explain why the Master’s programme appeals to you and the areas within the subject that you find interesting, including specific modules or other course opportunities. Provide evidence to demonstrate your suitability and interest for the course. What are the intellectual problems, or practical opportunities, that enthuse you?
If you know exactly why you wish to pursue this Master’s -- to go onto PhD study or to follow a career path for instance -- or a particular area you wish to pursue for your dissertation/final project, then address this as well. In general, what do you expect to get out of your Master’s and how will it contribute to your career aims?
Your academic credentials
We will pay particular attention to:
- your first degree
- your final classification and average grade
- your intellectual development, and achievements, as an undergraduate
- where relevant to the chosen programme, professional experience, especially if your first degree is in a different subject area
Many applicants will have similar academic backgrounds to you. Why are you the ideal person for this particular Master’s programme? What have you achieved that makes you stand out (e.g. a particularly high mark, an award for academic achievement, or a prize for project work).
Drawing from specific examples in your career to date, explain how your intellectual interests have grown and developed. Discuss authors or texts that have inspired you, theories or problems that drive you, academic talks that you have attended, study groups that you have been part of or academic societies you have joined.
Include work experience where relevant, particularly if you are interested in a vocational Master’s, if your first degree is in a different subject area from the programme that you are applying to, or if your first degree was obtained some time ago.
Your strengths
Look closely at the course programme key skills and required knowledge. Using specific examples from your previous studies, work experience, or extra-curricular activities, discuss how you meet the course aims and requirements.
Explain your skills in detail -- the admissions tutor will not be able to appreciate your capabilities/achievements simply by reading the title of your final year dissertation/project, for instance.
Writing tips
- Start positively - grab the reader's attention
- Keep your comments brief and focused
- Highlight your skills and achievements; don’t underplay your best attributes
- Use your statement to show that you can structure your thoughts and write coherently; each topic should lead logically onto the next
- Get your facts right; stating that you want to work with an academic who no longer works at the University will not impress admission tutors
- Your statement should be evidence-based wherever possible
- Stick to the word limit
We will use the interim or final transcripts submitted with your admissions application form.
Interim transcripts for UoM fasttrack applicants will be provided automatically by the School.
All applicants should contact their referees with the link to the online referee report form. Their references will then come to us directly and will be attached to your application.
Please submit an application for the course with transcripts using the Online Application Form by 30th March and email with your University ID number, confirming you have submitted your complete application with transcripts and that you have sent the reference upload link to your referees.
Notification of outcome
Successful applicants will be notified by the end of June.
Some subject areas may have their own additional funding (see the relevant section below). Unsuccessful funding applicants for eligible subjects will be automatically considered for subject area funding, where applicable.
Please note that each subject area below has its own funding deadline and that candidates who apply for the above School award will be automatically considered for a subject specific bursary, where available.
Classics and Ancient History
Classics and Ancient History
Heywood and Victoria Scholarship
Applications are invited for the Heywood and Victoria Scholarship, which will offer £6500 towards fees for study of the MA in Classics and Ancient History (full time or part time).
For current University of Manchester applicants (or alumni within the past three years), this bursary can be combined with the Manchester Alumni Scholarship Scheme (£3,000). More details.
How to apply
All applicants to the MA in Classics and Ancient History who apply to the School funding competition will also be considered for this scholarship (there is no separate application form for this specific award). Candidates wishing to accept the offer of a scholarship must, at the same time, accept the offer of a place.
Details of the The School funding competition and application form can be found under the School awards section.
Creative Writing
In 2023, the Creative Writing department offered two bursaries, one each for:
- Poetry
- Fiction
Each award was worth the part-time UK fee for one year of study.
All students who are offered a place are eligible, so there is no formal application process. The decision is based on the quality of the writing sample submitted in the application process and the award must be applied toward the tuition fees. Therefore, if you already have tuition fees awards worth more than £5,000 you will be ineligible for these bursaries.
The winners will be notified in May.
Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute (HCRI)
All HCRI bursary and scholarship information is available directly through the HCRI website.
Modern Languages and Cultures
MA Modern Languages and Cultures Bursary
We will be offering one bursary next year for one candidate studying a Spanish, Latin American, Portuguese, Brazilian or Luso-African topic. This bursary is to be offered as a fee rebate only (if awarded to a part-time student the bursary will cover their Year 1 fee only).
Thursday, 30 March 2023.
Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation studentships
Up to three Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation studentships worth £10,000 for one year may be available for MA and PhD students focusing on the study of Japan. This includes:
- Students applying for the MA in Modern Languages and Cultures and committed to conducting their major coursework options and dissertation on Japan. Eligibility is limited to UK nationals, or non-UK nationals who are either settled in the UK or who have been ordinarily resident in the UK for the three years before the programme. Applicants should have, or expect to have, a good 2.1 class degree or above.
- Students applying for or engaged in the PhD in Japanese Studies, or for another PhD programme if the thesis is on Japan. Students of any nationality are eligible, though in the case of non-UK nationals, priority is expected to be given to those who have already completed at least one year of postgraduate study at a UK university. Applicants should have a good 2.1 class degree or above at BA level, or a merit or above at Masters level (or overseas equivalent).
Interested applicants should contact Dr Peter Cave ( for the application form, which should be returned to Dr Cave by 5 pm GMT on Monday, 28 February 2022.
PhD students who have already received the Sasakawa studentship may be nominated again, and receive the studentship for up to three years, though repeated awards cannot be guaranteed.
Students who are awarded a full scholarship (covering tuition fees and living costs) from another source cannot receive the Sasakawa studentship as well.
Daiwa Scholarships in Japanese Studies
This is a postgraduate Scholarship programme to support the study of Japanese Studies at either Masters or PhD level, and in either Japan or the UK. Only UK citizens who hold or are completing a degree in Japanese Studies, defined as a course focussing primarily on the study of Japan, and containing a substantial Japanese language component are eligible to apply.
Applicants who hold (or are completing) combined honours courses where Japanese Studies accounts for at least 50% of the course may also apply. The Scholarship will cover university fees for the course in question, plus living expenses. Living expenses will be payable at a rate of £1,200 per month for periods spent in the UK, and ¥260,000 per month for periods spent in Japan.
Candidates for the Daiwa Scholarships in Japanese Studies must be: British citizens who are holders of an Honours degree in Japanese Studies, defined as a course focussing primarily on the study of Japan, and containing a substantial Japanese language component, and enrolled or enrolling in a Japanese Studies-related course in either Japan or the UK.
Application is made directly to the Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation (deadline Thursday, 27 January 2022), and 3 scholarships per year are available to support study at UK universities.
To find out more information, visit the Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation website.
Queries can be directed to
MusM (Performance) part-fee bursaries (Home students only)
Several part-fee bursaries are available (issued as a reduction in your tuition fees) for offer-holders classified as ‘home’ students for tuition fee purposes.
To apply
- All applications to the MusM Performance Studies pathway received by 1 July will be considered.
MusM part-fee bursaries
For 2024 at least one part-fee bursary is available to applicants to MusM Musicology, MusM Ethnomusicology, MusM Composition (Electroacoustic Music and Interactive Media), and MusM Composition (Instrumental and Vocal music).
Candidates who were unsuccessful for the School Awards competition will be automatically considered.
Religions and Theology (Biblical Studies and Theological Studies in Philosophy and Ethics)
Religions and Theology subject-specific funding opportunities
The department is offering two awards of £3,500 towards the full-time study of MA Religions and Theology with a dissertation focus on either of the following:
- Biblical Studies: The Bishop Lee MA Tuition Fees Bursary
- Theology, Philosophy & Ethics: The Chadwick MA Tuition Fees Bursary
How to apply
Your case for support (500 words) in the online application form for the course must focus on Biblical Studies or Theological Studies in Philosophy and Ethics, respectively. If you have already submitted your application for the course or wish to amend your personal statement, please send your 500 word statement to with your University ID number.
Informal enquiries may be also directed to Dr Michael Hoelzl (
- Deadline: Friday, 21 June 2024
For University of Manchester undergraduates, this bursary can be combined with the Manchester Alumni Scholarship Scheme (£3,000) if a First is achieved.
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Contact us
If you need help and advice about applying for funding, contact the Master's Admissions Team.
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