Collaborative partnerships

We are able to offer collaborative partnership links over a range of subject areas.

What is a collaborative partnership?

Collaborative partnerships is defined as 'all arrangements in which the University makes an award (solely or jointly) or gives credit towards an award on the basis of education provided by another institution or organisation in the UK or overseas.'

More information about University policies and procedures regarding Collaborative Partnerships can be found by following the link below, to the Learning and Student Development Office:

Validated partners

Fudan University, China
Fudan University, China

The School has been running validation programmes for over 10 years, particularly in the fields of Religion and Theology, Drama and Arts.

Students taking validated programmes at the partner institutions will be awarded by The University of Manchester.

We currently validate programmes in the following institutions:

2+2 Articulation partners

We have an articulation arrangement with a number of top Chinese universities at undergraduate and postgraduate level.

This arrangement enables students from partner institutions to study for degrees at The University of Manchester.

Our partner institutions include:

The School is now looking for new partners in South Korea, Singapore and Hong Kong.

Contact us

Jennifer Haworth - Teaching & Learning Manager

For queries relating to validation, please contact