Postgraduate research in Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies
The global significance of research in this area enables us to explore a vast range of specialist areas, which we can offer as supervision options to our postgraduate students.
A leading centre for research in modern languages, among the top universities in the UK.
View our range of programmes, and the support available for our postgraduate researchers.
Finding a supervisor
Our postgraduate research students benefit from supervision across a range of fields, covering a broad range of research specialisms in the Portuguese and Spanish-speaking world.
Our team's research interests include:
- History
- Nation
- Culture and language
- Colonialism
- Travel
- Migration
- Diaspora
- Transnationalism
- Postcoloniality
- Gender, sexuality and race
- Early Medieval and the Golden Age
- Translation studies
- Interpreting studies
See our Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies staff list
Current PhD students
Here's what some of our current students are researching:
- Julien Alzamora Candenado - 'Panama as a Point of Transit: Identity and Memory Practice'
- Dylan Bradbury - 'Aural media as a Tool for the Consolidation of Identity: Mapuche Uses of Sound for Asserting Cultural and Territorial Autonomy'
- Stephanie Burgess - 'In search of Spain's Riot Grrrls: The impact of feminism on the Spanish alternative music scene, 1975-2020'
- Taylor Elton - 'Manifestaciones through flamenco: How flamenco developed into a vehicle for political and social protest from the mid-twentieth century'
- Maria Fiore Burgos - 'Flamenco and Social Integration: Emerging Flamenco Pedagogies in Urban Spaces and Digital Platforms by Marginalised Groups'
- Rodrigo Lopez Martinez - 'Literature, State, Nation: Poetics of Exile as Challenges to Latin-American National Literacy Tradition'
- Carole Myers - 'Representation, Reception and Appropriation of Ideal Female Beauty: Cosmetic Erasure of Blackness in Contemporary Brazil'
- Lisa Simpson - 'Non-Human Animals, Violence and Power in Brazilian Literature and Film 1960 to the Present Day'
Past PhD students
Here are some themes that previous postgraduate research students have researched:
- Gabriel Neiva - 'The Literary Space of Guianas: The Topos of Kanaima in its Fictional Narratives'
- Mauricio S. Soares de Oliveira - 'The Construction of a City: Salvador in the Writings of Jorge Amado'
- Eleanor K. Jones - 'Out of the Iron House: Deconstructing Gender and Sexuality in Mozambican National Literature'.
- Xime Castillo-Smyntek - The Role of the Mass Media in Contemporary Chilean Film: The Video 'Panamericangea' by Jandy C.S.G'.
- Miquel Pomar-Amer - 'Diasporic Narratives of the Household: A Comparative Study of Writings by Catalan-Moroccan and British Pakistani Authors during the Last Decade'.
- Alina Rzepnikowska - 'Convivial Cultures in Multicultural Societies: Narratives of Polish Migrants in Britain and Spain'.
- Gustavo Carvajal - 'Palabra de mujer: Women, Memory and Dictatorship in Recent Chilean Fiction'.
- Nicola Astudillo-Jones - 'Film Festivals and Magical Realism in Manchester'.
- Kristina Pla Fernández - 'The Early Works of Bolaño and Vila-Matas: Alternatives to the 'Cultura de la transición''.
- Tamara De Inés Antón - 'Female Identity, Body and Sexuality through Literature and Translation: Contemporary Latin American Women's Narratives'.
- Maria Romero Caro - 'Peace Education in Colombia'.
- Suzan Bozkurt - 'Beyond the Mirror: Mechanisms of Transgressing the Canon in the Fiction of Contemporary Portuguese Women Writers (1980-2010).'
- Mary Farrelly - 'Infinite Elasticity: Mapping the Moving Spaces of Spanish Women's Enclosure.'
- Nicola Runciman - 'Post-National Landscapes of the Novísimo Cine Chileno'
- María Montt Strabucchi - 'Representations of China in Contemporary Latin American Literature'
- Nicola Tomlinson - 'Reel Regions: Mapping the Trajectories of the Cinema Industries in Catalonia and Andalusia post-2007'
Funding opportunities
Find out about the bursaries, scholarships and studentships available to support postgraduate research.
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Information about applying for a postgraduate research degree in the School of Arts, Languages and Cultures.
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Our research
Our truly global unit specialises in Latin America and Africa, as well as the Iberian peninsula.
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Enjoy state-of-the-art facilities with purpose-built rooms, resources and access to Manchester's internationally renowned cultural assets.
Home to our postgraduate student community, the Graduate School provides a place to meet, access resources and organise events.
Translation and Intercultural Studies
We offer postgraduate research supervision across our languages in collaboration with our Translation and Intercultural Studies experts.
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Linguistics and English Language
Our vibrant Linguistics and English Language department offers postgraduate research opportunities in combination with other modern languages.
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