Socially responsible graduates
We produce graduates who are skilled and knowledgeable workers who can exercise important ethical, social and environmental responsibilities.
Each student is encouraged to volunteer through a range of schemes, join or start a society, take courses beyond their degree programme through University College, get involved as a sustainability rep, become a peer mentor or even run for election.
Ilyas’s story
Former Arabic and Middle Eastern Studies student Ilyas Nagdee was the recipient of two awards at the 2016 Making a Difference Awards for Social Responsibility at The University of Manchester. His awards were in recognition of ‘Outstanding Contribution to Widening Participation’ and ‘Inspiring Communities’ with his work on the Project Committee for The Ramadan Tent Project.
The Ramadan Tent Project is a charitable initiative aiming to bring together Muslims and non-Muslims and the homeless as a community in the spirit of Ramadan, to eat together at sunset. The project aims to inspire the guests to get involved in social justice.
Music Society Schools’ Outreach Concerts
Students from the Music Society host annual interactive concerts to school children from across the North West.
This allows the children the opportunity to experience high-quality music in a professional environment and to see a live orchestra perform in close proximity. Performances are interactive and pupils have the opportunity to participate and learn.
Classics for All
Students and staff from Classics and Ancient History at Manchester offer a series of sessions on Latin (or Greek or Classics), with a view to helping local primary and secondary schools to establish:
- Latin Clubs after school
- Latin in 'Enrichment' or similar slots within the school day
- Latin to GCSE and beyond according to local demand and resources
This initial two-year scheme 2015-17 is run in partnership with the local branch of the Classical Association and is made possible by funding recently awarded by the national charity Classics for All.