Past events
WCLC: Trio Atem presents Atem x Atem
Trio Atem return to Manchester with Atem x Atem: a programme of new pieces composed by the Trio them...
Language Café
We are pleased to announce the Language Café series at the University, which will be a safe space f...
CSSC Talk: Ben Nichols (Manchester), 'Intersectionality Fatigue: Rethinking "Single-Axis Analysis"'
The Centre for the Study of Sexuality and Culture at UoM presents: CSSC Talk: Ben Nichols (Manchest...
Sound as an Archive of Memories: Constructing the Andalusi Past
This workshop will study sound, broadly understood, as a political archive that mobilises the past t...
Hannah Cobb's Inaugural Lecture – Assemblages of Teaching and Learning: Past, Present and Future
In the metrics driven audit culture of today’s Higher Education landscape, there is a danger that...
Empire and the Affective Archive: Understanding Bureaucracy, Emotion, and Activism in Records of the Colonial Object II
The second workshop of Empire and the Affective Archive series is entitled 'Colonialism's Material C...
Esra Özyürek – 'Subcontractors of Guilt: Holocaust Memory and Muslim Belonging in Postwar Germany'
At the turn of the millennium, Middle Eastern and Muslim Germans had rather unexpectedly become cent...
WCLC: Aria Vocal Trio Lunchtime Concert
Mariya Angelova Vocal Trio from Bulgaria presents songs from their debut album with traditional Bulg...
EACW Research Seminar Series
Harry Pitt-Scott, Warwick/UoM, 'Oil and Horror: Volatile Futures at the Permafrost'
POSTPONED – NEW DATE TBC: ‘Beyond Subcultures: Populism, Hegemony and Cultural Production’ – David Alderson’s Inaugural Lecture
This event has been postponed. A new date will be announced soon. Existing bookings will be valid fo...