ULGE51030 - LEAP German 3 (B1)
- Credits: 20
- Pre-requisite: ULGE51020 LEAP German 2 (A2) or equivalent e.g. AS grade C (A-level year 1) taken in the last three years.
- Co-requisite: If you are studying a Modern Languages Degree, either single or joint honours, please refer to relevant guidance about eligibility for LEAP units on your programme structure.
- Taught during: Both semesters (September to May).
- Level of attainment: (B1) By the end of the course, students should be able to perform at Level B1 of the Common European Framework.
- Timetable: Click here
The course aims to further develop the skills acquired in LEAP German 1 & LEAP German 2.
It extends the emphasis on communication and comprehension skills through the use of high-frequency language expressions used to describe topics of personal interest, current affairs, and specific themes relating to everyday life.
This will enable students to conduct longer oral exchanges related to limited specific topics or themes or to give a short presentation or information about an event.
It also further consolidates the grammar already acquired and enhances students’ skills in reading and writing by equipping them with a broader range of vocabulary to enable them to read and write longer and more complex texts.
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to:
- demonstrate greater understanding and knowledge of language structure and able to handle further grammatical rules;
- demonstrate competency in comprehension and listening through accurately extracting key information from written and audio sources on specific familiar topics related to personal interest and current affairs;
- recognize and use known expressions and fundamental phrases used in everyday situations and also to communicate orally in simple, routine situations and to handle short social exchanges about familiar topics with reasonable fluency;
- independently write short texts on limited familiar topics using a variety of vocabulary and formulaic expressions.
By the end of the course, students should be able to perform at Level B1 of the Common European Framework.
Transferable skills
Pair and team work, focussed listening, informal presentations, language awareness, and cultural appreciation.
Teaching and learning methods
One three-hours or two 90 minutes seminars per week, delivered through blended learning which integrates on campus and on-line instruction as necessary.
This will also include online digital learning available via Blackboard and will be supplemented by extra online resources to aid students in their independent learning.
Teaching hours
69 hours (3 hours per week) including assessment time.
Independent study hours
140 hours (not including assessment time).
All assessments are summative.
Non-credit students and members of the public need to be aware that written exams will not take place during lesson time.
Semester 1
- Written exam; 30% weighting; held in university's semester 1 exam period in January
Semester 2
- Listening exam; 10% weighting; held in week 11
- Speaking exam; 30% weighting; held in week 12
- Written exam; 30% weighting; held in university's semester 2 exam period in May/June
Dates to be confirmed.
Nature and timing of feedback
Feedback will include a combination of informal ongoing feedback resulting from class-based learning activities and formal written feedback given following summative assessments.
Dorit Fellner-Whitgreave
Taught by
Maximum entry
23 per group
Set texts
Menschen B1, Deutsch als Fremdsprache / Kursbuch mit DVD-ROM Julia Braun-Podeschwa, Charlotte Habersack, Angela Pude (Autoren) ISBN 978-3-19-101903-7
Menschen B1 Deutsch als Fremdsprache / Arbeitsbuch mit 2 Audio-CDs Anna Breitsameter, Sabine Glas-Peters, Angela Pude (Autoren) ISBN 978-3-19-111903-4
Recommended texts
The German Handbook - Your guide to speaking and writing German, Cambridge University Press, ISBN: 0521648602.
Grammatik - ganz klar! Übungsgrammatik A1-B1 (Hueber 2011), ISBN 978-3-19-051555-4.
Grundstufen-Grammatik für Deutsch als Fremdsprache (mit interaktiven Übungen) , by Monika Reimann (rev. ed. Hueber 2010), ISBN 978-3-19-161575-8.
Fit in Grammtik B1, Taschentrainer, by Anneli Billina (Hueber 2010), ISBN 978-3-19-607493-2.
Großes Übungsbuch Wortschatz A2-C1, by Lilli Marlen Brill + Marion Techmer. (Hueber 2011) , ISBN 978-3-19-201721-6.