Italian Studies

Teaching and research staff within Italian Studies.

Italian Studies academic staff

Prof Guyda Armstrong
Professor in Italian Studies

Specialisms: Italian medieval literature (Boccaccio, Dante, Petrarch) and its reception; book history and print culture; the history of translation; digital humanities.

Prof Delia Bentley
Professor of Romance Linguistics

Prof Francesca Billiani 
Professor of Italian

Specialisms: 20th-century Italian cultural history; publishing history; European modernisms and avant-gardes; 1930s aesthetics and dictatorships; 20th-century Italian cultural politics.

Ms Monica Boria
Senior Language Tutor in Italian

Specialisms: Contemporary Italian cultural studies; humour studies and translation.

Dr Andrea Brondino
Lecturer in Italian Studies

Prof Stephen Milner
Serena Professor of Italian

Specialisms: Late Medieval and Renaissance Cultural History; reception of classical rhetorical theory in Italy 1250-1500; Machiavelli; Boccaccio; Florence and the Medici; Pistoia and the Florentine territorial state; manuscript and early printed book production and parchment; reception of Italian Renaissance in nineteenth-century northern England; urban space and architecture.

Honorary and Emeritus staff

Dr Christopher Rundle 
Honorary Research Fellow in Translation and Interpreting

Prof Nigel Vincent 
Professor Emeritus of General and Romance Linguistics

Visiting scholar

Gabriella Petti

Visiting Scholar at The School of Art, Language and Cultures, University of Manchester

Enemy on trial /Judicial Discourses on Terrorism Professional Biography Lecturer of Sociology of Deviance and Social Control at the University of Genoa (Italy).


  • Lay Judge at the Juvenile Court of Milan from 2005 to 2010.
  • PhD 2003 (Methodology of Social Research), University of Genoa (Italy)
  • Master of Law 1997, University of Milan.


  • 2005 to present Sociology of Deviance and Social Control, at the University of Genoa
  • 2007 to present PhD courses in Human Sciences and Sociology at the Department of Science of Education, University of Genoa Areas of Research


My main research and publication areas include the phenomena of social control, deviance, marginality and migration, with a particular focus on young migrant people’s issues and international terrorism.

My research is characterised by particular attention to the organizational and caring practices of institutional intervention (public and private) and the mechanisms of criminalization.

My current research project, Enemy on trial /Judicial Discourses on Terrorism, is on the methods of discursive and rhetorical construction of the profile of an Islamic terrorist, and the characteristics of the so-called new terrorism, drawing on judicial documents and judgments.

Areas of Interest

Deviance, Governmentality, Terrorism studies, Ethnography, Qualitative Methodology, Social Marginality, Social Harm, Subjectification and Caring practices, Migration, Juvenile delinquency.
