The Manchester Anthology

As a Creative Writing MA student at the Centre for New Writing, you will get the opportunity to have a piece of fiction, poetry, or non-fiction published in The Manchester Anthology when you graduate.

The Anthology comes out each September and as well as having your work featured in it, you could also gain invaluable experience of editing, proofing, promoting and distributing a publication by getting involved in the production.

A book launch takes place, again organised by the students, often at a prestigious partner venue in Manchester such as the International Anthony Burgess Foundation or the John Rylands Library. A number of students read from their work at the event. It is worth noting that editors/agents attend these book launches and/or are sent copies of the anthology.

Your words in print

Below is a selection of anthologies from the past few years. As part of the student editorial team you would also get to commission the illustration and cover design.

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