Research groups
Our department has five main research groups across the whole classical studies, ancient history, archaeology and Egyptology spectrum.
Our key areas of expertise are supported by the internationally significant collections and curatorial staff of the Manchester Museum, the Whitworth Gallery and the John Rylands library.
Classical literature
Theoretically informed expertise in the analysis and interpretation of ancient literature and philosophy, as well as the significance and reception of literary form.
New critical editions of ancient texts
Epigraphical, papyrological, medical and Graeco-Syriac-Arabic studies, scholarly tools (commentaries and translations) and linguistic studies.
Ancient history
The human life-course, warfare, social organisation, science and medicine, funerary rites.
Material culture studies
The analysis and interpretation of objects, landscapes, monuments and places) in prehistoric Europe, ancient Greece and Rome.
Ancient Egypt
Settlement and society, religion and ritual, collections and museum practice.