Our research, teaching and support staff in Classics, Ancient History, Archaeology, and Egyptology.
Additional room numbers and telephone extensions can be found in the staff directory.
Head of Classics, Ancient History, Archaeology, and Egyptology
Prof. Peter Liddel
Professor of Greek History and Epigraphy
Research specialisms: Greek political and social history, Attic oratory (especially post-Social War), Greek inscriptions, 19th-century historiography, ancient Greek historiography.
Academic staff
Dr Julene Abad Del Vecchio
Lecturer in Classical Literature and Culture
Research specialisms: Latin literature (esp. Statius), intertextuality (esp. in Flavian literature), ancient epistolography.
Dr Mary Beagon
Reader in Ancient History (Roman)
Research specialisms Cultural and intellectual history of the late Roman Republic and early Empire.
Dr Ina Berg
Senior Lecturer in Archaeology
Research specialisms: Bronze Age Aegean, island studies, quantitative analysis of pottery and the use of ceramics.
Dr Jenny Bryan
Senior Lecturer in Classical Philosophy / SALC Associate Director for Assessment
Research specialisms: Ancient Philosophy (especially Plato and the Presocratics), genre in Ancient Philosophy.
Prof. Stuart Campbell
Professor of Near Eastern Archaeology
Research specialisms: Archaeology of the Near and Middle East, social meanings of pottery, scientific archaeology and the use of computers in archaeology.
Prof. Hannah Cobb
Professor of Archaeology and Pedagogy / University Lead for Academic Development
Research specialisms: The theory and philosophy of archaeology, the archaeology of the Mesolithic-Neolithic in Britain and Europe.
Dr Alberto Esu
Research Specialisms: Classical and Hellenistic Greek History; Political and Institutional History.
Lecturer in Ancient History
Research specialisms: The history of the Roman Empire, Roman provincial history (especially Britain and Spain), the Roman army in Roman and Visigothic periods, early Christianity.
Prof. Melanie Giles FBA
Professor of European Prehistory
Research specialisms: Iron Age histories, the archaeology of identity and personhood, studies of landscape and place, material culture and art.
Dr Adrian Gramps
Research Specialisms: Greek and Latin Poetry.
Lecturer in Classical Archaeology
Research specialisms: relationship between society, technology, and climate in the (ancient) Mediterranean and Australia, archaeological science/geoarchaeology, historical solutions to contemporary problems.
Prof. Christian Laes
Professor of Ancient History / UG Programme Director
Research specialisms: Socio-cultural history of (Late) Antiquity, epigraphy, Neo-Latin, didactics of Latin and Ancient Greek.
Dr Leah Lazar
Research Specialisms: Classical and Hellenistic Greek History; Numismatics.
Senior Lecturer in Classics / MA Programme Director
Research specialisms: Greek and Roman historiography (especially Livy), Augustan literature, Roman national identity and imperial ideology, ancient epistolography.
Dr Laura Nastasi
Research Specialisms: Greek language and linguistics.
Dr Nicky Nielsen
Senior Lecturer in Egyptology
Research specialisms: Egyptian archaeology and the material culture of New Kingdom Egypt, with emphasis on ceramics and craft production.
Dr Tom Phillips
Senior Lecturer in Classics
Research specialisms: Greek and Latin Lyric poetry, Hellenistic poetry, Homer, ancient scholarship, literary theory, Romanticism.
Prof. Peter Pormann
Professor of Classics and Graeco-Arabic Studies
Research specialisms: Ancient Medical writings, the Graeco-Arabic tradition.
Prof. Alison Sharrock
Hulme Professor of Latin
Research specialisms: Latin poetry (particularly Ovid and Augustan poetry), comedy, Lucan, genre, intertextuality and critical theory.
Dr Katherine Slinger
Lecturer in Egyptian Archaeology
Research specialisms: Egyptian tomb architecture and decoration, Middle Kingdom Theban necropolis (esp. tomb distribution).
Dr Silvia Speriani
British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow
Research specialisms: Latin literature (especially Horace, Seneca and Pliny the Younger), Roman culture, cognitive and linguistic approaches to Latin literature.
Dr John Taylor
Lecturer in Greek and Latin Language
Research specialisms: Greek and Latin languages and literature, Greek and Roman history.
Prof. Julian Thomas
Professor of Archaeology
Research specialisms: Archaeology of Neolithic Britain and Europe, the theory and philosophy of archaeology, the status of archaeology as a discourse of modernity.
Dr Manos Tsakiris
Research Specialisms: Greek Literature.
Lecturer in Egyptology
Research specialisms: transmission and social context of Middle and New Kingdom literature, material philology of Egyptian text, oral context of the written.
Prof. Joyce Tyldesley
Professor of Egyptology
Research specialisms: distance-learning Egyptology, Egyptian historiography, women in ancient Egypt.
Emeritus Professors
Prof. Tim Cornell
Professor Emeritus of Ancient History
Research specialisms: historiography, the history of warfare, urbanism and ethnicity, and all aspects of the history of Rome and Italy in the archaic and republican periods.
Prof. David Langslow FBA
Hulme Professor of Latin Emeritus
Research specialisms: Latin and Greek language (historical and literary aspects); language, literature and social history of ancient medicine; the making and transmission of Latin and Greek medical texts.
Prof. John Prag
Professor Emeritus of Classics and Ancient History
Research specialisms: Greek iconography and mythology, facial reconstruction, ancient portraiture, chemical analysis of Greek pottery, application of ancient DNA research.
Prof Stephen Todd
Professor Emeritus of Ancient History
Research specialisms: Greek social and legal history, Attic orators (especially Lysias).
Honorary Research Fellows
Research specialisms: Augustan and post-Augustan poetry.
Dr Nicolò Benzi
Research specialisms: Ancient philosophy, Greek and Latin language and literature, the intellectual history of the ancient world.
Dr John Briscoe
Research specialisms: Latin Literature and Textual Criticism, Roman and Hellenistic History.
Dr Thomas Clements
Research specialisms: Greek History
Dr Elizabeth Foley
Research specialisms: Greek History
Research specialisms: Archaeology, Obsidian, Lithics, Material Culture studies.
Research specialisms: Ancient Greek History (especially concerning the city of Corinth), Ancient Greek and Roman weaponry and armour.
Research specialisms: papyrology, Graeco-Roman and Byzantine Egypt, legal and illegal antiquities market (Egyptian and other antiquities).
Dr Katherine Molesworth
Research specialisms: Lycophron’s Alexandra, Hellenistic poetry and Aesthetics, Ancient Greek Literature, visuality, gender expression and performance.
Co-ordinator, Classics for All Manchester
Research specialisms: Mesolithic Britain and Europe, European Prehistory, Hunter-Gatherer archaeology, Human-Animal relationships, Zooarchaeology and Social Zooarchaeology.
Research specialisms: Papyrology, epistolography, textual criticism, Xenophon
Research specalisms: Latin literature (especially Virgil, Ovid, Seneca, Lucretius, Horace, and Seneca), literary theory, psychoanalysis, and cultural history.
Dr Hanna Steyne Chamberlin
Research specialisms: Archaeology
Dr John Peter Wild
Research specialisms: Archaeology, archaeological textiles.
Dr Alexandra Wilding
Research specialisms: Greek History.
Professional support staff
Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Team
Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programme Administration
Emma Wadsworth
Departmental Administrator
Postgraduate (Taught) Admissions
Dr John Piprani
Archaeology Technician
Research specialisms: Early European Prehistory, stone tools, teaching and learning.
Associated academic staff
Gillian Evans
Lecturer in Social Anthropology
Anthony Gerbino
Senior Lecturer in Art History
Charles Insley
Senior Lecturer in Medieval History
Todd Klutz
Senior Lecturer in Biblical Studies and Early Christian Literature
Peter Oakes
Rylands Professor of Biblical Criticism and Exegesis
Paul Oldfield
Senior Lecturer in Medieval History
Kay Prag
Visiting Academic, The Manchester Museum
Campbell Price
Curator of Egypt and Sudan, The Manchester Museum
Alexander Samely
Professor of Jewish Thought
Bryan Sitch
Deputy Head of Collections, The Manchester Museum