A-Level Revision Lectures
Give your Classical Civilisations A-Level revision the edge with our department’s free mini-lecture series.
Academic staff at The University of Manchester’s Department of Classics, Ancient History, Archaeology and Egyptology are enthusiastic about encouraging new waves of A-Level students to delve deeper into these fascinating subjects.
This is why the Department has launched its new A-Level Revision Series of video lectures, to help A-Level students get the edge for their Classical Civilisations exams.
The lectures are completely free and visit the topics covered in the Classical Civilisations syllabus.
In this first episode, Head of Department Professor Alison Sharrock takes a closer look at the poet Ovid.
In Episode 2 Lecturer in Classics Dr Emma Griffith tells us about Sophocles' play Oedipus the King, focusing in particular on the opening scene.
In Episode 3, Dr Andy Fear (Lecturer in Classics) investigates the Prima Porta Statue of the Emperor Augustus.
In the fourth episode of this Classical Civilisation revision series Professor Christian Laes takes a look at family dynamics in the Roman world.
In this fifth episode, Dr Tom Philips discusses Myron's Diskobolos which features on the A-Level syllabus (Greek Art).
Professor of Greek Andrew Morrison discusses the Homeric character of Telemachus.