Postgraduate research

As a major concentration of high-quality research and teaching, we foster a vibrant postgraduate community and offer a range of research opportunities.

Why Manchester?

Recently voted the number one American Studies programme in the UK by The Times.

View our programmes, and the support available for our postgraduate researchers.


Finding a supervisor

We can offer a very wide range of supervision, thanks to the diverse expertise of our academic staff.

We also have a strong record of success in joint supervision, where a PhD student works with two supervisors who have complementary specialist fields.

We welcome applications from research students interested in any the following areas:

  • Black popular culture, esp. popular music and cinema
  • Postwar cultural industries
  • Blaxploitation, hip-hop and gangsta rap
  • Transnational American Studies
  • The cultural history of capitalism
  • Conspiracy theories
  • Postmodern American literature
  • Screen-writing in Hollywood
  • Film and politics
  • Cultural and political history of California
  • Civil War
  • History of the south
  • American literary realism
  • Representations of illness
  • American gay and lesbian writing and visual representation
  • Psychoanalysis, gender, and queer theory
  • Colonial British American and Atlantic history
  • Slavery and race
  • Gender (esp. masculinity), and material culture

If you would like to pursue postgraduate research in any of the above areas, or wish to discuss a research proposal in any aspect of American Studies, please feel free to get in touch with Eithne Quinn using the email address below:

Current PhD students

Postgraduate researchers in American Studies work on a wide range of topics. Find out what some of our current PhD students are working on.

Past PhD students

Explore the research topics undertaken by some of our past PhD students.